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Sunshine On My Face


The weather in Upstate New York has been unseasonably warm the last several days. I have been trying to take advantage of it as much as possible by spending time in the sunshine when I can. It has not been hard the last couple of days because the clouds in the sky have been few and far between.

A while ago I heard a guy talking about how we should make an effort to have sunlight hit our eyes first thing in the morning. It does something to our brain that gets the brain engaged early and gets us more ready for the day. That may not be exactly what he said but it was something to that effect. Ultimately sunshine first thing is good for the way we face the day.

In the summer it is not as hard to get sunlight onto my eyes first thing in the morning as the sun is usually up or just about up by the time I get outside. All I have to do then is look east and fill my first thing in the morning sunlight quota. This time of year it is a little more of a challenge since I will often times get up before the sun has fully risen over the hills that rest to the east of Cambridge. By the time the sun gets up I may have gotten distracted and let my eyes be filled by things other than sunlight. Things like screens, coffee, dirty dishes.

When the calendar changes to November and we realize Daylight Savings Time, I need to make sure that I make a conscious effort to get outside and get my fair share of sunlight. We always hear how important sunlight is for our daily Vitamin D ration and I believe that. Just as important or more important for me is the being outside in the sunlight.

Sometimes in the middle of winter I will go to a park near work and sit outside on a bench in the sunlight. I make sure that I am bundled up with my hat and gloves and sometimes if there is a stiff wind I may only spend 15 or so minutes out there. I’m not sure of the science behind sunshine exposure but all I know is that when there is less sunshine in the sky during the day, it is more important than ever for me to get as much of that limited sunlight as I can.

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